This balanced powerhouse gives you the right energy at any time of the day. The recipe of the plnktn. cookie has been carefully created with the right balance between macro & micro nutrients. The cookie gives you a quick feeling of satiety due to the right fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
Preparation time: 70 minutes including baking time
- 100 g ground oatmeal
- 150 g almond flour
- 2 tablespoon cinnamon
- 16 g plankton.
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 60 g pumpkin seeds
- 60 g sunflower seeds
- 140 g mixed unroasted nuts
- 120 g raisins
- 180 g pitted dates
- 180 ml almond milk
- 4 eggs
- Juice of ½ lemon
- Hand blender
- Food processor
- Mixing bowl
- Measuring cup
- Cake tin
- Spatula
- Libra
Preparation method:
- Weigh the oats and almond flour and place them in a large mixing bowl together with the cinnamon, plankton, baking powder, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and raisins .
- Grind the mixed nuts in the food processor to a coarse crumb and add these to the mixing bowl.
- Place the dates, almond milk, 4 eggs and lemon juice in a measuring cup and blend until smooth with a hand blender.
- Then pour the date mixture into the dry ingredients and mix well.
- Preheat the oven to 170 and let the batter rest on the counter for 5 minutes.
- Now put the batter in a greased cake tin and bake the cake for about 45 minutes until done.
Prep tip: cut the cooled power cookie into slices of desired thickness and freeze them in portions. This way you always have a full lunch or (sports) snack nearby.
Hi Erwin, je kan er bijvoorbeeld notenpasta doorheen doen! Of je kan bijvoorbeeld wat chia zaad door het mengsel met de dadels en amandelmelk doen (dit zorgt voor extra binding).
Wat is de beste manier om eieren te vervangen als je vegan bent.